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The latest news on Storm Chaser Ben Holcomb including recent storm chases, travels, photos and technical articles.
North of Mangum

Willow, Oklahoma Tornadoes

Multiple tornadoes north of Mangum, OK near the town of Willow on the evening of March 18, 2012. This storm seemed like it would almost produce all day but didn’t as we followed it out of Texas and into Southwest Oklahoma. Finally around 7pm/00Z it produced a nice tornado!

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Fall Tornado near Wakita, OK on September 17, 2011

Wakita Oklahoma Tornadoes

Two tornadoes south of Wakita, Oklahoma where they filmed the movie “Twister”. First tornado is a beautiful elephant trunk, the second is an amazing ropeout. Both were on the ground at the same time.

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Sunset in Kupang, Indonesia from the Kupang Radar/Gedung Radar Cuaca


Work trip to Indonesia to install communications between remote radar sites and Jakarta in Bima, Kupang, Makassar and Medan. Also a quick stopover in Singapore.

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